Price & convenience
are 20% of why customers choose your airline.
What about the other 80%?
Price and convenience only come into play when a brand fails to create an emotional bond. The 80% is your customers' emotional attachment to your products and services over another competitor brand. Sadly, many brands inadvertently discourage customers from flying with them by making that 80% a negative experience!
The result?
Customers feel less valued and are likely to switch airlines on their next trip.
In a market actively steered by price and convenience, this gives brands the opportunity to create differentiation in simple, but effective ways. Our research shows that:
Forming that emotional bond for travellers can be as easy as:
Hot towels (to help people to feel more refreshed when they arrive)
Dedicated overhead baggage (ensures less stress before the flight by preventing people from worrying if their bag will be put in the hold. It also saves them valuable time on their holiday (vacation) or business trip.
Pooled air miles within families (to help travellers to achieve higher status and gain rewards faster)
Positive surprises (an extra free alcoholic drink or occasional access to a lounge allows people to feel unique and valued)
Do you know what your customers want?
However, with the wrong approach, these changes can have little, or worse, a negative impact on your customers’ experience and retention. The only way to truly know what drives your customers is to dig deep into their emotional needs.
We can help.
At Innovationbubble, we assess your customers' conscious emotions, feelings, preferences, and attitudes to products, services, and experiences (i.e., what they tell you), AND their non-conscious responses (what they really think and feel, but DON'T share with you.) This approach allows us to segment your customers and learn their TRUE unique motivations. We then work with you to design approaches that truly meet your customers' needs - the result - customers who love your airline.
To find out more about our groundbreaking approach, get in touch.