The Daily Mail picked up our insights.

The formula for the PERFECT hotel revealed.

Our M.D. Simon Moore has recently interviewed for The Daily Mail to give insights about running a successful and customer-centric hotel. Here is the extract for the article, enjoy!

Want to run a successful hotel? Then do the maths, because apparently there's a formula for getting ahead in the business.

According to a new study, it's keeping your place clean that will get customers through the door, so vacuums at the ready.

Respondents valued cleanliness the most, with it being 35 times more important than free internet.

Helpful staff were revealed as the second most important ingredient to hotel success, with bed comfort trailing in at third place.

Location is also rated highly by hotel-goers, so make sure you pick your plot wisely.

And when it comes to pricing, think carefully. Travellers said that they liked to think they were getting good value for money while on holiday.

The research, published by, was based on 148million sentences pulled from customer reviews written by travellers all over the world.

The majority of reviewers said they were less concerned about soundproofing, swimming pools, free breakfast packages and complimentary wi-fi but if they were provided, it was an added bonus.

Overall, the formula for hotel success came out as: C35 + F25 + B10 + D7 + P2 + ½H + Q + Br + S + W = Hotel Perfection.

This is where C = room cleanliness, F = friendliness of staff, B = bed comfort, D = location, P = value for money, H= in-room coffee maker, Q= quietness of the room, Br= breakfast is included, S = swimming pool and W = free Wi-Fi.

Lead researcher and consumer psychologist Dr Simon Moore, said the data shows the link between high-value hotel factors and unconscious, basic human needs.

'Psychologically, risks and discomfort out-weigh comparative positive benefits five to one, so it’s no wonder travellers pay more attention to the fundamentals such as comfort and cleanliness over lavish pools and fine-dining,' he said.

'Cleanliness and comfort fulfils our need for relaxation, safety and security. A good location fulfils our needs to feel connected to others and that we have somewhere we can escape to in times of such need.

'The fact that staff friendliness plays such an important role in guest satisfaction shows that, as intrinsic social creatures, that we love to be greeted with a smile and a chat. It makes us feel welcome and part of the group.'

Explaining why the findings matter, travel expert Taylor L. Cole said: 'Sometimes there is so much information out there it can be hard to decipher what’s important, our handy new formula helps settle the debate of what makes the perfect hotel stay.'


Here is's formula for the perfect hotel stay, with the numbers before the letters indicating the level of importance travellers gave each of the pointers represented.

C35 + F25 + B10 + D7 + P2 + ½H + Q + Br + S + W = Hotel Perfection


F = How friendly are the staff

C= Perceived cleanliness of the room

B= How comfortable is the bed

P= Perceived Reasonable Price

Q= Quietness of the room

S = Swimming pool

Br= Breakfast is included

D = Location/Walking distance/access

W = Free Wi-Fi

H= Hot drink available to make in room

HP = Overall hotel perfection

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